Medicated Bacon is such an amazing food. The very slight flavor of cannabis pairs very well with bacon and it’s so easy to make.

One of our Founding Team Members here at Organtica is Bacon King, Kaiser. He makes wonderful medicated bacon in a few different forms and has offered to share his method with you all, so here we go.

Medicated Bacon – Ingredients needed:

  • 1 lb thickly sliced bacon
  • 1/4 cup real maple syrup
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • concentrated cannabis oil in a measured syringe (for easy dosing)


  1. Line a rimmed cookie sheet with aluminum foil. Depending on the size of your cookie sheet you may need two. Don’t overlap the slices so you get more even cooking on all the slices
  2. Cook bacon in the oven at 375º to 400º for about 25 minutes, (bacon won’t be quite done). You should flip the slices about half way through cooking.
  3. Remove from oven and place bacon on paper bags or towels to drain, and blot dry.
  4. Mix maple syrup and brown sugar in a bowl and microwave for about 45 seconds until sugar dissolves. Immediately add the desired dose of concentrated cannabis oil and mix well.
  5. Add clean foil to the cookie sheet place the bacon slices back on the foil and use a pastry brush to paint the sugar/maple mix on the slices. Paint both sides and use all the mix.
  6. Place back in the oven and cook for about 10 more minutes or until the bacon reaches your desired crispness.

There should be about 12 pieces of bacon in the one lb pack. Decide how many milligrams of THC you want in each slice and multiply it by the number of pieces of bacon you are making.
This formula is based on 1 lb of thickly sliced bacon (about 12 slices) at 20 mg per slice.
20mg x 12 = 240 mg

Chocolate Medicated Bacon is even MORE special!

Kaiser will sometimes take this recipe a step further by coating the medicated bacon with chocolate. The result is decadent. For the best result, use the kits for making Chocolate Covered Strawberries (available at Smith’s Supermarkets).

Let the medicated bacon cool while heating the chocolate and follow the instructions on the kit substituting the strawberries for bacon. You may want to cut the bacon strips into more manageable servings. Use small tongs or tweezers to drag the bacon through the melted chocolate. Place on parchment paper and cool in the fridge. If you don’t eat it all, store in an airtight container in the fridge.

Learn more about medicating your own recipes on our Medicated Cooking page. Bon Appetit!